Sabtu, September 30, 2006

Alhamdulillah, The Cute Girl was Born

After waiting my wife for the process of childbirth of our second daughter that was hoping normally, evidently must undergo the caesarean section or bedah caesar.

This was the second time after the first sister, she was born also with the caesarean section. In the first case, the process of the way out for the embryo was closed the navel rope, and that caused difficulties for the childbirth process normally.

While in the second case, my wife was rather disrupted by tense faced the childbirth. The tense feeling triggered stress so as the feeling was sick when emerging again was not sick. This case continued to occur again, and finally was severed took the caesarean by our doctor, dr Rudianto SpOG.

Alhamdulillah, the process of childbirth in the caesarean also very smooth, and exact 10:57 WITA the cute girl smiled pretty, we called her Shaza.

Sorry, my English was messy.
Thank you for colleagues all...

10 komentar:

  1. Congrats Pak! she's cute indeed

    eniwei, belajar dari Nadine's case.. maybe you could just write in bahasa supaya kita-kita lebih nyaman aja baca-nya. Khan yang paling penting adalah PESAN tersampaikan dengan baik dan benar cos your english is trully messy hehehe.. *peace :P*

  2. Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Subur for their newly-born babygirl. May you be blessed merrily!
    best regards from Yogyakarta,
    agus suwignyo

  3. @anonym
    Waaah ... terima kasih banyak, lagi belajar bahasa inggis, kasus Nadine saya rasa wajar, karena dia grogi saja, sedang saya cas-cis-cus saja, blog kan narsis kacang buncis, he ... he ... :)

    @agus suwignyo
    Senang Bapak bisa berkunjung kesini, terima kasih Pak :)

  4. Selamat ya pak! Atas kelahiran putri keduanya.
    Dari foto, putrinya cantik banget lho pak!

  5. @rijali
    Senang sekali Mas Rijali, terima kasih.
    Btw, putranya sudah berapa Mas?

  6. selamat pak,atas kelahiran putrinya.
    moga aja jadi anak yang cantik dan berbakti pada orang tua.:D
    and moga aja ibunya cepet sembuh.
    saya tunggu loh kabar untuk anak berikutnya.(bercanda euy..)

  7. @vendy
    Terima kasih juga Mas Vendy :)
    Nambah anak lagi? Hmmm ...

  8. Selamat atas kelahiran anak yang kedua, semoga menjadi anak yg sholehah. jangan lupa ASI-nya untuk sang Putri yg imut jangan rebutan yaa.... haa... haa..


  9. maaf nih pak, jarang ngeNet sekarang, jadi baru lihat pertanyaannya.
    putra belum punya pak! Tapi baru mau nih, masih nunggu 6 bulan lagi, Insya Allah..!

  10. Ow ... sorry ...
    Entar ditunggu undangannya ya :)
    Selamat juga
